
There are three temperature units used in chemistry:

 K= Kelvin



Here are the formulas needed to convert between different units of temperature:

T ºC = (T ºF – 32 ºF) x (5ºC)/(9ºF)

T K = TºC + 273.15

Temperature Conversions Practice Problems:

1. The highest recorded temperature on the planet Mars is 268 K. What is this temperature in ºC?

2. The lowest recorded temperature on the planet Mars is 186 K. What is this temperature in ºF?

3. The outside temperature at my house right now is 54.8 ºF. What is this temperature in ºC?

4. The coldest temperature ever recorded in North Carolina was -34 ºF. Convert this temperature to Kelvin.

Click here for the answers to the temperature conversions practice problems.

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