States of Matter Practice Questions


Decide whether each statement below is describing a solid, a liquid, or a gas.  

  1. have their own definite shape
  2. can be poured
  3. Spread out (diffuse) quickly
  4. take the shape of the whole container, filling it completely
  5. are very easy to pass through
  6. can’t be squashed or compressed easily (there are two answers)
  7. take the shape of their container but don’t fill it completely
  8. stay where they are put
  9. are easily squashed or compressed
  10. have the most bonds between atoms


1.  Solid

2.  Liquid

3.  Gas

4. Gas

5. Gas

6.  Solid, Liquid

7.  Liquid

8.  Solid

9.  Gas

10.  Solid

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